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    (2021) Aminah Omowumi MUHAMMED
    School Feeding Programme constitutes a critical intervention that has been introduced in many developed and developing countries in the World to address the issue of poverty, stimulate enrollment of pupils and enhance pupil performance. The study assessed the effect of School Feeding Programme on educational development in Zaria and MakarfiLocal Government Areas. This is done with a view to determine its effect on Enrollment, Retention and Academic performance of the pupils. The study adopted the survey research design and obtained its datafrom primary and secondary sources. The primary data was obtained through a structured questionnaire administered to Zaria and MakarfiLocal Government Areas of Kaduna State. The Questionnaire was complemented by an in-depth interview ofselected officers involved in the supervision and monitoring of the School Feeding Programme. The retrieved data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result shows thatpupils were fed daily through the School Feeding Programme which has resulted in the increase of pupils‟ enrollment, retention as well as enhanced their academic performance in class activity which is due to the effect of the programme. The major finding of the study shows that there is significant relationship between School Feeding Programme and enrollment, retention and academic performance of primary school pupils in Zaria and Makarfi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The major constraint found wasthat the food supplied sometimes is not sufficient due to increase in population and some workers do take home part of the food for personal consumption. It was therefore, recommended among others that disciplinary action should be taken on workers who take food home and Government should endeavor to sustain School Feeding Programmein order to encourage pupils to enroll and remain in school as well as concentrate on their learning.The study therefore concludes that School Feeding Programmein Zaria and Makarfi Local Government Areas has positively affected the level of education and also contributed to a significant reduction in school drop-out rate considering the important role School Feeding Programme is playing in relation to enrollment, attendance and academic performance.
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    (2021) Halima IBRAHIM
    This study investigated the effect of Information and communication Technology (ICT) on Student Administrationin Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The major objective of the study was to assess the effect of ICT on student administration Affairs from the period of 2007 – 2018 with emphasis on student registration, student accommodation and library services. The survey research design was adopted in the study. The primary source of data was used as the instrument of data collection through the use of questionnaire and interview. A total number of 437 questionnaires were administered as the sampling size of the study. The data was presented and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics through the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study are as follows: First, there is a positive and significant relationship between ICT and Student Registration in A.B.U. Zaria. Second, there is a positive and significant relationship between ICT and student Accommodation in A.B.U. Zaria, and third there is positive and significant relationship between ICT and Library services in A.B.U. Zaria. The study concluded that A.B.U Zaria has succeeded in establishing ICT infrastructural facilities to ease student administration. Based on the above findings, ICT in ABU Zaria indicate the clear integration of student registration, accommodation and library services. All these service are now rendered to student using one virtual counter. It is crystal clears that the use of ICT on student administration is an antidote that has eliminated the bottle neck such as long queue and procedural complexity during registration and reservation of hostel accommodation bed space and so on. Notwithstanding, the study recommends that A.B.U. Zaria still need to do more to enhance its ICT infrastructural facilities. The management of A.B.U. Zaria should improve the existing ICT infrastructural facilities for viable, efficient and effective student administration in areas such as; course registration, reservation of hostel bed space accommodation, library services, etc.
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    (2021) Suleiman, IDRIS
    Drug abuse constitute a major threat to the effective functioning of human societies. It is a major public health problem as its abuse by youths have become one of the most disturbing health related phenomena in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The growing spate of sale and illicit drug use led to the establishment of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in 1989 to curb these menace. NDLEA‟s Drug Demand Reduction Unit (DDRU) is responsible for activities ranging from advocacy on drug abuse, NGO Liaison on drug abuse related activities and Treatment/Rehabilitation of drug dependents amongst others. DDRU of NDLEA has only one Treatment/Rehabilitation center in Kano state with no provision for girl and women despite the proliferation of drug abuse among them. This study focused on the extent to which Public enlightenment, NGO Liaison and Treatment/Rehabilitation strategies of NDLEA influenced reduction in the incidence of drug abuse among youths in Fagge and Kura Local Government Areas of Kano State. The study‟s hypotheses which were stated in null form to indicate that there is no significant relationship between NDLEA strategies and reduction in incidence of drug abuse among youths in the study area. The study adopted a cross sectional survey research design with the population comprising of officials of DDRU and youths in the study area which was 182,977. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan Statistical Formula (1970) and these stood at 382. The method of sampling technique adopted was the cluster sampling technique and questionnaire, interview were instruments used in generating primary data while annual report of NDLEA, published work, magazines and the internet were the instruments used to generate secondary data. The data were presented and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tool of correlation analysis. Evaluation theory by Edward Suchman, (1967) was adopted for the study and it was generally revealed that there is a positive but ineffective relationship between NDLEA strategies and reduction in incidence of drug abuse among youths in Fagge and Kura local government areas of Kano state. It was therefore recommended that intensified efforts be made by NDLEA, the government both at the Federal and state level and other stakeholders to create awareness on the dangers associated with drug abuse focusing on primary and secondary prevention strategies with a view to stopping new cases, more resources be committed to enable the agency expand it capacity to build more treatment centre and provision be made to accommodate girls and women especially as there is high proliferation of drug abuse among them.
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    This study assessed effect of tax administration on revenue generation capacity of selected Local Government areas of Kaduna state from (2013-2017). The local government areas in Kaduna State have been struggling to fulfill their obligations to their citizens due to the decline in revenue generation capacity. The continuing fall of the crude oil prices in the world oil market resulted in declining revenue generation for the Nigerian government on one hand and constant demand for increment in the infrastructural developments on the other hand. Local governments are faced with myraid of challenges among other things to source for adequate revenue from the federal government, state government and internally generated revenue. These problems are paramount to the smooth running of local governments in Nigeria especially Kaduna state. The objectives of this study are to: examine the relationship between quality personnel and revenue generation capacity in local government areas of Kaduna state, determine the relationship between effective application of Information and Communication Technology and Revenue Generation Capacity and assess the relationship between effective implementation of Tax Laws and Revenue Generation Capacity of local government areas of Kaduna State. The researcher used both primary and secondary methods of data collection to generate the needed data. The data obtained were analyzed using Karl Pearson Product Moment statistical techniques (SPSS Version 23.0).The study finds that: there is a significant relationship between quality personnel, enforcement of tax laws and effective ICT application on revenue generation capacity among local government areas of Kaduna State. Thus, the study recommended, among others that, authorities should embark on more personnel training and development programmes in local government areas of the state, so as to have qualified and competent personnel to fit in the use of modern technology on how to generate revenue through taxation. The quality and efficiency of tax workers should be improved so that more effective administration will be achieved and automation of the system. The study also recommended that, Tax/revenue generation laws should be properly and strictly enforced. Revenue Courts and other related agencies should be restructured to ensure that related cases of tax/revenue default are properly and effectively dealt with in order to promote compliance.
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    (2021) Amanda, PAUL
    This research work is AnAssessment of the Effect of Universal Basic Education on the Educational Development of Bauchi and Ganjuwa Local Government Areas of Bauchi State this becomes necessary because Education is the solid bedrock upon which every form of development: social, political, religious and economic is anchored. This further explains why it is perceived as a veritable tool and as well catalyst for national development. Universal Basic Education which is supposed to be free, compulsory andaccessible has remained unachievable and still faces the challenges of low students enrolment rates, high prevalence of school dropout and an acute shortage in the provision of infrastructural facilities necessarily needed to facilitate learning and teaching processes within the school environment eighteen years after its formal inauguration.Therefore, thestudy is concerned about establishing relationship between increase in enrolment, retention and completion rates and the provision of infrastructural facilities with educational development in order to know whether the sector is developing over time.ThreeHypotheses were postulated to that effect. Survey method was adopted for data collection. The total number of sampled respondents stood at 394 drawn from the selected local government areas. Multiple regression statistical analysis model was employed to determine the significant effect of the variables on educational development of the areas. The finding of the research revealed that, pupil‘s enrolment in school affect educational development significantly though not sufficient enough to cause it but implies that any increase in pupil‘s enrolment will have multiplier effect on educational development. It also revealed that, pupil/students retention and completion in schools had the most significant share of the effect on educational development. Infrastructural facilities were non-available, dilapidated or grossly inadequate for use. The study therefore recommended that school feeding programme should not be discontinued in order to boost enrolment and retention and UBE should ensure adequate provision of infrastructural facilities.
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    (2021) Ibrahim, HAYATU
    The study examined the extent to which Ward Development Projects impacted on grassroots development in the two areas under study. The study made use of interviews, observations, questionnaire and official documents of government relating to the ward development policy to obtain primary data necessary for the study. Secondary data were derived from text books, annual reports, journals, and newspapers, published and unpublished articles. Evaluation Theory of Edward Suchman was used as a theoretical framework to provide us with the baseline discussion for the theme of the study. As a result of the study, we found out that ward development projects recorded very little success in the area of enhancing community participation especially as a result of inadequate representation of the wards and absence of democratic principle in the process of constituting ward development projects committee members though significantly improved the provision of infrastructural facilities such as feeder roads, dispensaries, primary education facilities, water supply and electricity. It further revealed that the policy was not able to sustain local development projects especially as a result of failure to incorporate community members at the planning stage as well as lacked of self-sustain structures within the communities. We recommended that Ward Development Projects Committee members should be increased to commensurate with the number of polling units in each ward and that people should be given free hands to choose the Ward Committee members of their choices. Furthermore, Niger state government should continue with the ward development projects policy and that members of the community should be incorporated in planning along with the creation of self-sustain structure for the maintenance of local development projects.
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    The functions of the University system in any society aside teaching is development of new knowledge, research and community services. These cannot be accomplished without proper human resource development. Building solid academic staff programmes influence the realization of the university mission statement. However, human resource development refers to employee development programmes put in place to improve value of employee after joining the organization. It includes education, training and development, which involves giving employee experience to improve learning geared towards proper preparation for job performance. In spite of the importance of development of human resource,academic staff of Nigerian universities especially Kaduna State University(KASU) are not adequately productive due to inadequate staff development which also reflects on the quality of graduates turned out of this university who can hardly write memo or communicate effectively and meaningfully. The objectives of this study were to; determine the effect of academic staff development on quality of graduates of KASU; examine the effect of academic staff development on quality of research in KASU and to ascertain the effect of academic staff development on provision of community services in KASU. literature on the concepts of human resource development, academic staff development, and staff performance were reviewed and the Human Capital Theory by Gray Becker, 1964 was adopted as the theoretical framework for this study. The study adopted survey research design, primary data was collected using questionnaire and simple linear regression analysis was used to test hypotheses. The hypotheses tested indicated; academic staff development has a positive significant (.664) effect on quality of graduates in KASU, academic staff development has positive significant (.733) effect on quality of research in KASU and lastly, academic staff development has a positive significant (.616) effect on community services. The study concluded that academic staff development, improves the performance of academic staff in terms of quality of graduates, quality of research output and community services. Hence, it was recommended that universities especially KASU should ensure regular conduct of academic staff development programmes for capacity building of lecturers for improved teaching and learning in universities.
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    (2019) Lawal BABA SHANI
    This study was undertaken toassess the Effect of Democratic Participation, and Funding on Service Delivery in Selected Local Government Areas of Katsina State, Nigeria. After a prolonged spell of military administration, Nigeria is at last back to a democracy. An ideal democracy is one that recognizes and encourages democratic participation and funding in order to make the government more responsive to the needs of the people. Yet, there seems to be a wide gap between democratic participation of the people, and funding for the development of basic education, primary health care, water supply, and sanitation in Daura, Bindawa, Malumfashi, Kafur, Dutsin-ma, and Safana Local Government Areas of Katsina state. The main objective of the study is to assess the effect of democratic participation, and funding for service delivery. The specific objectives are to determine the effect of democratic participation, and funding on the development of basic education, primary health care, water supply, and sanitation in the selected Local Government Areas of Katsina State. Democratic participation, Efficiency Services schools of thought, and the Public Value Theory were employed as theoretical frameworks for the study. Survey research design was used, the six selected Local Government Areas formed the population of the study, and using Yamane formula, a sample size of 1,111 was arrived at. Simple random and Purposive sampling techniques were employed in the selection of respondents. Both primary and secondary sources of data were explored. Primary data were collected using five sets of questionnaires administered to Local Government functionaries, staff of Basic Education Unit, staff of Primary Healthcare Unit, staff of Social Development Unit, and the general public. Semi- structured interview with the aid of a checklist was conducted with some members of Parents Teachers Associations (PTA), members of National Union of Teachers (NUT), members of Medical and Health Workers Union (MAHWU), executives of political parties, and Community Based Associations. Systematic observation was made of primary and junior secondary schools, primary healthcare facilities, public water supply points, and refuse dump sites. Secondary data were sourced from records from Katsina state Ministry of Finance, Education, and Health, and from Departments of Education and Social Development, Primary Health care, Water Supply and Sanitation, and Treasury, of the six Local Governments’ Secretariats. Data were presented in tabular form, analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0), and Kendall’s tau-b Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypotheses postulated for the study. The study found that there is moderate degree of democratic participation by the people in the study areas, yet there is no active participation of the people in decision making at Local Government level, and development of basic education, primary health care, water supply, and sanitation was not as a result of democratic participation. The study found that there is adequate funding for basic education in all the study areas, inadequate funding for primary health care in all the study areas except Daura Local Government, inadequate funding for water supply and sanitation in the study areas. As such the study concluded that, on aggregate, development of basic education, primary health care, water supply, and sanitation in the study areas was not influenced by the people’s democratic participation, nor was it due to adequacy of funding.Governments use the mass media of communication to sensitize people on important policy issues such as security matters, support for polio immunization etc, political parties and politicians do the same to peddle their parties and candidacy respectively. Thus, it is recommended that these same stakeholders use the same channels to educate their people politically, sensitize them socially, and inform them adequately and timely, and include them in problem identification, planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation so as to harmonize their democratic participation, and service delivery at Local Government level. The source of authority for all tiers of government in Nigeria is the Federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution. In view of the fact that efficient service delivery requires adequate funding, it is recommended that the Constitution be amended to compel Local Governments and other tiers of government to make a mandatory and fixed allocation, to be reviewed periodically, forthe development of basic education, primary health care, provision of water supply, and sanitation.
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    (2021) Fausat Fadeke SALAMI
    The need for academic infrastructure has been issues of public concern with the emergence of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). For more than thirty years in the history of Nigerian University system, ASUU have persistently drawn the attention of the Nigerian government to the challenge of academic infrastructures faced by the universities through industrial conflicts, negotiations and strikes. To overcome this challenge, ASUU entered a comprehensive agreement with the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) in 1992 and another in 2009 which included the provision of standard educational facilities in the universities among others. In spite of this effort, the non implementation of the agreement by the FGN over the years has resulted in the employment of strikes by ASUU when bargaining and consultation failed to yield desired result. The objectives of this study are to : assess the extent to which ASUU industrial conflict has affected classroom/ lecture theatre, ICT/ library, and laboratory/workshop/studio facilities in ABU, Zaria, for the period 2007-2017, with a view to ascertain whether ASUU industrial conflict has improve the provision of academic infrastructure in ABU, Zaria. This study adopted survey research design. The target population for this study is the academic and management staff of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Taro Yamane (1967) formula for deriving sample size was used to arrive at the appropriate sample size of 376 respondents. The data collected for this study were analysed using the combination of inferential and -descriptive statistics techniques. Simple linear regression was used to test and interpret the hypotheses with the help of statistical package for social science (SPSS 20.0) and also for data coding, data screening and other preliminary analysis. University management staff and some ASUU officials were interviewed through unstructured interview. The findings from the study revealed that ASUU industrial conflict has significantly contributed to the expansion, construction and renovation of lecture theatres, laboratories as well as ICT/library facilities which contribute directly to the teaching and learning process. The hypotheses tested indicated that a significant relationship existed (0.000) between ASUU industrial conflict and classroom/ lecture theatre in ABU, Zaria. The relationship between ASUU industrial conflict and ICT /library was positively insignificant (0.119). The relationship between ASUU industrial conflict and laboratory/workshop/studio facilities was positively significant (0.000) This study recommends that the Federal Government of Nigeria should endeavour to implement the 2009 agreement reached with ASUU. This would help to revitalise the University system. The study concludes that there is obvious deficit in academic infrastructural needs of ABU, Zaria which is undermining effective teaching and learning prior to Presidential intervention. Consequently, ASUU effort to pressurising for presidential intervention on academic infrastructural development of the Nigerian university system is imperative.
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    The study assessed the effect of state government expenditure on agricultural growth in Kogi State (2000-2018). The increasing incidence of shortage of agricultural output which is evidenced in the high cost of food items and increase in food poverty has been an issue of concern to the governments at all levels. The Kogi State Agricultural Development Programme (KOSADP) was established and in spite of the effort of the government on yearly spending on the agricultural sector, farmers still do not have access to modern farm equipment. Therefore, the main objective of the study is to find out the effect of government expenditure on crop production in Kogi State. The Keynesian theory of public expenditure was adopted as theoretical framework. To achieve the objective, the study adopted concurrent embedded design. The study used both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data were collected directly from the respondents (farmers association and staff Ministry of Agriculture and KOSADP) using interview schedule while the secondary data were obtained from Kogi State Ministry of Budget and Planning and KOSADP head office for the period 2000-2018. The secondary data were analysed using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model and Granger causality test while the primary data were analysed using content analysis to support the findings of the secondary data. The findings of the study revealed that there is positive but insignificant relationship between government capital expenditure and agricultural growth in Kogi State because the P value is greater than 5% level of probability. However, base on the findings, the study recommended among other things that there is need for the government of Kogi State to take agricultural funding very important by ensuring timely and adequate release of funds to at least the 10% Maputo declaration of 2003.
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    (2020) ENENCHE, Anna Owagoyi
    In recent times, deregulation has been accepted to be a universal development that came as a product of economic globalization aimed at freeing of government control from the regulation of a system. Deregulation of down-stream oil sub-sector in Nigeria was meant to lessen public sector control and develop an open market while ensuring adequate supply of the product. However, despite the abundant availability of this natural resource (crude oil) in the country, the nation has experienced over the years fuel scarcity, inadequate supply of petroleum products, as well as hoarding, smuggling, adulteration, long queues, inappropriate pricing. The unhealthy development degenerated into poor performance of the nation's refineries, which resulted in excessive dependence on imports. The study thus evaluates the effectiveness of deregulation on the downstream sub-sector of the Nigeria petroleum industry using descriptive statistics and Person Chi-square inferential statistics. The data used for the empirical analysis were generated through structured questionnaire where the respondents were required to read each question carefully and indicate their agreement or disagreement with the statement using a five-point likert scale. Findings from the study revealed that there is no significant relationship between deregulation of the downstream petroleum sub-sector and the supply and distribution of petroleum products in Nigeria. It revealed that the supply and distribution of fuel product by NNPC and oil marketers have not entirely helped reduce scarcity of the product. It was discovered also from the empirical analysis that there is no significant relationship between deregulation of the downstream petroleum sub-sector and the instability in the pump price of the product. NNPC inability to attain a stable price for its products has been a major challenge in the implementation of the deregulation policy. Above all, the deregulation of the downstream petroleum sub-sector was found to have not significantly been able to improve the availability of petroleum product. Smuggling of petroleum products in the downstream sector have not been addressed by the deregulation policy. Based on these findings, the study thus recommends that government should create an enabling environment to engender private investors for the purpose of improving the local refining capacity to meet the ever-increasing local demand of petroleum products and indeed for exportation purpose. Revisions to the petroleum fiscal and regulatory regime should not introduce multiple taxes, high royalties and remove incentives; if these impediments are introduced, oil and gas projects would not be economical for investors.
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    (2020) Sahabi USMAN
    Service oriented organizations are increasingly becoming the order of the day globally, hence there is increasing demand for the services of Telecommunication companies as well as increasing concern for the quality of the services provided especially as they affect customer satisfaction. This study investigated the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in 9mobile Nigeria. Survey research design was employed in the study. Primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaire issued to the respondents using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected from a sample of 499 subscribers of 9mobile Nigeria. Partial Least squares – Structural Equation Model (PLS – SEM) was used to analyze the data collected. PLS - SEM was also used to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings revealed that reliability and tangibility have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction while assurance, empathy and responsiveness have positive but insignificant effect on customer satisfaction. The study recommended the need for 9mobile Nigeria to invest more in technology and training of staff to enhance high quality services and increase customer satisfaction.
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    (2019) Kenneth Zheihnom KURASON
    The proliferation of drugs as a global cancer, has eaten deep into the healthof the general public. It is the greatest evil of our time and the highest weapon of terrorism against public health, as well as an act of economic sabotagethat has led to organ dysfunction, disabilities, worsening of disease condition, loss of public confidence in public health and led to the death of many in the globe and Nigeria is not an exception.Most of these drugs are brought into the state and not necessarily produced within Kaduna State threatening the health of the people in the state. It is for this reason that the Federal Government of Nigeria established NAFDACwith the goal of eliminating counterfeit pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages products ensuring that available medications are safe and effective. This necessitated the need to assess the activities of NAFDAC in the control of fake drugs in Kaduna State.The specific objectives of the study are to determine the effect of the contribution of inspection of imported regulated products by NAFDAC on the control of fake drugs in Kaduna State; to examine the contribution of registration of drugs by NAFDAC on the control of fake drugs in Kaduna Stateamongst others. The study adopted “Fishbein Model and Social Control Theory by Travis Hirschi‟‟ as theoretical framework to underpin the study. The study adopted a survey design where data collected from structured questionnaires and interview were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The total population of the study is 1, 664 with 313 as sample size. The study adopted purposive and simple stratified sampling technique for the study. The chi-square cross-tabulation test was used in testing hypotheses of the study using SSPS version 20.However, relevant documents that contain secondary data for the study are the NAFDAC‟s Act, NAFDAC‟s Score Cards, and NAFDAC‟s Campaigns, amongst others. The findings of the study shows that some of the factors affecting the inspection of drugs in Kaduna State ranges from shortage of personnel or inspectors to monitor drug activities in Kaduna State due to large coverage size, shortage of scan machines to enable personnel detect fake drugs easily to even chaotic drug market in the state. Hence, the study recommends that the government should be willing to recruit new hands who are specialist in their various fields of endeavor having the technical-know-how to help NAFDAC in the execution of her activities and to ensure adequate coverage of the state in other to carry out routine checks, etc. Furthermore, the government should continue to empower NAFDAC to strengthen her efforts in the control of fake drugs in the state by acquiring modern machines to upgrade the central laboratory and promote manpower training and development. These, will go a long way to discouraging counterfeiters or fakers of drugs and reducing the quantum of existing fake drugs in the state.
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    (2021) ABUBAKAR Tafida Jibril
    Human resources management practices are the cradle of achieving efficiency, productivity and improved employee performance in every organization. Organizations that have effective human resources management practice, hire the right people, train them well, create an internal organization that allow them to fully express their potential and reward them appropriately by putting the right incentive in place. This study is “Assessment of the Effect of Human Resources Management Practice on employee performance in Kano Electricity Distribution Company from 2013-2018.” The main objective was to assess the Effect of Human Resources Management Practice of recruitment, compensation and training reforms on Employee performance in Kano Electricity Distribution Company. The data for the study was generated from both primary and secondary sources. The instrument used in the Primary sources was the administration of questionnaire and interview. 331 questionnaires were administered to 331 respondents and 288 were retrieved. Interview was conducted on 20 management staff of KEDCO Headquarter, Kano, Katsina and Jigawa regional offices. The alternates sources of data include, textbooks, journals, Gazettes, circulars, unpublished papers and dissertation. Multistage sampling technique was used in dividing the population of the study while simple random sampling is used in selecting sample size. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analyzing and presenting the data obtained in the studies. Multiple regressions was used in testing the hypothesis. The study discovered that Human Resources Management Practice of recruitment, compensation and training has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Kano Electricity Distribution Company. It also found that compensation packages in KEDCO have helped in boosting the morale and performance of Employees. The study also recommends among others, that deliberate and concerted efforts should be made to ensure that salary earning is stable and as at when due. This will help to retain employee and boost their morale to enhance organizational Performance in general, the management should ensure that needs assessment criteria are judiciously applied in selecting employees for training.
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    (2021) Aliyu Dantsoho MOHAMMED
    Performance of microfinance banks (MFB) has become an important issue among the scholars, practising managers and policymakers due to the important role of the MFB inthe nation‘s economic growth and development.Since they can serve as an alternative source of funds for the active poor and unbanked people. In spite of all these, the MFB in Nigeria has been reporting poor performance by days and this undermined the government efforts of breaking the cycle of the predominant poverty, unemployment, and economic stagnation right from the grassroots level. This study was set to examine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and business model innovation on the performance of microfinance banks throughthe mediating role of IT-enabled dynamic capabilities. Cross-sectional research design was used to collect data from the respondents. The population of the study consists of microfinance banks through which the study used to draw the sample size. A PLS-SEM approach was used with aid of SmartPLS 3.2.8 to analyse the data. The result shows that both entrepreneurial orientation and business model innovation were significantly and positively related to the performance of MFB in Nigeria. The result also indicates that IT-enabled DCs mediates the effect of entrepreneurial orientation (EO), business model innovation (BMI) on organisational performance of microfinance banks. However, individually, the linear model has shown that among the three dimensions of EO,only proactiveness and innovativeness have a direct significant effect on organisational performance of MFB. The result did not indicate a significanteffect of competitive aggressiveness onthe performance of MFB. On the other hand, value creation, value proposition and value capture were significantly related to the organisational performance of MFB. At the mediation model, it was found that IT-enabled DCs mediates the effect of all the six antecedent constructs of proactiveness, innovativeness, competitive aggressiveness as well as value creation, value delivery and value capture on organisational performance of MFB in Nigeria. The finding of this study reveals that a high level of EO and BMI leads to a high level of organisational performance of MFB in Nigeria and IT-enabled DCs serves as a good mediator. This study recommends that MFB managers to continue to pursue initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and business model innovation in order to increase both breadth and depth of outreach to active poor and unbanked people thereby increasing their performance.This is the first study to combine the effect of EO, BMI and IT-enabled DCs on organisational performance of MFB. It is,therefore, contributes to the development of literature in this direction.
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    (2020) Abubakar Onumoh YUSUF
    The study assessed communal conflict as bane to socio-economic development in Ihima community, Kogi State. Needless to say, the ugly hand of the conflict caused by competition for resources; ethnic loyalty; drive for authority etc. hashampered socio-economic activities in the community. The study therefore assessed communal conflict as bane to tourism, patronage on clay pot production and sale as well as to social activities. The study made use of focus group discussions, interviews, andobservations to obtain primary data necessary for the study. Secondary data was derived from Ihima Peace Committee Report, Community Development record on socio-economic development of Ihima Community, Kogi State Judicial Commission report, YearBook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics among others. The data for the study was analyzed using thematic analysis.The Marxist theory of conflict was used as theoretical framework to lend credence to the study. The major argument of the theory was that people’s behaviour are primarily a reflection of cultural background which affects the social and economic activities. The study has revealed that communal conflicts in Ihima community led to reduction of tourist activities; a crucial dimension of this study also revealed that production level in clay pot industry reduced significantly and lastly, the study also found that the Emani-Ohunwa conflict in Ihima community negatively affected social activities (sporting and cultural festivals) that used to be unifying factors in the community. The study therefore, recommends among others the need to ensure high level consultation before holding any meetings; the need for conflict resolution practices to be undertaken not only on clan’s levels, but also at a higher level among others.
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    This essay on research problems is presented in four chapters. Chapters I and II discuss research activities in general with emphasis on the Nigerian situation. It was observed that Nigeria lacks concrete policy on research activities. There is no one organization that co-ordinates all government-sponsored research activities in the country. Most of the research activities in the country are conducted in the universities and research institutes established by government. Unfortunately funding research in these organizations is greatly inadequate. The Nigerian private sector was found to play an insignificant role in funding and conducting research. Chapter III discusses in details research activities at the Ahmadu Bello University with emphasis on problems encountered by researchers. It was observed that although the University established a body to co-ordinate research activities, there was little evidence of such co-ordination. Several problems associated with research activities were encountered. These problems include lack of co-ordination and inadequate funding, equipment, technical staff support, library facilities, computer services and means of dissemination of research information. Chapter IV summaries the findings of the study and provides suggestions on how to solve some of the problems associated with research in the universities in particular and the nation in general. It was concluded that research activities in the country are poorly funded, conducted and co-ordinated. It is suggested that each University should establish a University Research Division to co-ordinate research activities in the University. The body is to report to a Nigerian University Research Board (NURB). It is also recommended that a Nigerian Research Institute Board (NRIB) be formed to co-ordinate research activities in the research institutes. The NURB, NRIB and any other government research organizations are to report to a national body on research to be called National Research Council of Nigeria in the office of the Vice President of Nigeria. It is hoped that, through this recommended organization, research will be widely publicised for the benefit of the country.
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    This research work examined three problems: applicability of the linear programming method of allocating scarce resources to the allocation problems printing firms in Nigeria and its challenges; the use of the method to appropriately allocate scarce resources in the printing industry; and the determination of any other method of allocation used in the industry. To achieve these objectives, the researcher formulated the research hypotheses. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation of procedures. Secondary data were obtained from texts, journals and other unpublished works. The data obtained through questionnaires were analysed and interpreted using the percentage method. In order to test the hypotheses, the researcher used the Chi- square method of statistical analysis. Other data were tested using the linear programming methods (simplex and graphical). It was found out that linear programming is applicable to the allocation problems of a printing firm; that it can also be used to appropriately allocate their scarce resources for the achievement of optimality; that many printing firms prefer other methods tike mental judgement and the use of budgets for allocating their resources; and that many firms were not using such mathematical models because of in-exposure, and sheer unwillingness to change from the old method. It was recommended, among other things, that printing firms in Nigeria should adopt the use of linear programming method for resource allocation; that more academic institutions in the country should include Printing Technology in their curriculum; that the government should get involved in the regulation of printing standards in the country and that operators of printing houses should employ well-educated staff.
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    (2017) Abdulyakeen SHUAIB
    The important roles that SMEs and insurance are playing towards achieving economic growth had been widely acknowledged. Between the duo, a symbiotic relationship exist. The entrance of so many players into the insurance industry should be a source of joy to SMEs in Nigeria as they are exposed to a myriad of risks. In order to achieve the mutual benefits that exist between them, insurance firms as a matter of fact, should provide quality service. For over two decades, it has been acknowledged that service quality has become a great differentiator as well as the most powerful competitive weapon which many firms in the service arena possess. This study therefore investigated the impact of insurance firms‟ service quality on SMEs‟ intention to purchase insurance in Kaduna state. Survey research design was employed in the study which is cross sectional in nature. Primary data was collected through self administered questionnaire issued to the respondents using stratified sampling technique. The data was collected from a sample of 174 out of a total population of 201 SMEs operators in Kaduna state. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected for the study with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. Gap and multiple regression analyses were used for the hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings revealed that SMEs are willing to purchase insurance but the level of the quality of service provided by the insurers in the state is discouraging. The study recommended that drastic efforts should be made by the insurers to improve their services in terms of reliability, assurance, empathy and responsiveness that will meet the expectations of SMEs in the state.