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Credit management and profitability of Nigerian quoted manufacturing companies
(2018) Eboka, C.
The issue of trade credit has been in existence since ancient times. Research shows that poor credit management contributed to the 2007/2008 Financial Crisis. Thus, for companies to survive in a competitive environment, trade credit became inevitable. The quest for increased profitability by these firms through trade credit has led them to face increased challenge of financial meltdown, loss of resources, increased debts and incessant liquidation despite the measures set to control trade credit. It was observed that one of the reasons why these problems arose was from inappropriate measures of credit management or unawareness of the approaches and techniques of credit management. It is in view of this that this study was embarked upon to examine the impact of credit management on the profitability of Nigerian quoted manufacturing firms. Specifically, the study examined the effect of credit policy and debtor’s turnover on profitability of Nigerian quoted manufacturing firms, as well ascertained the relationship between liquidity management and profitability of Nigerian quoted manufacturing firms and finally, analyzed the effect of firm size on profitability of Nigerian quoted manufacturing firms. With the use of ex-post facto research design, the study relied on data extracted from the audited financial statement of a sample of 15 manufacturing companies purposively drawn from the total population of 74 manufacturing companies listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. The data were subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 19). The descriptive statistics conducted were mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum value. Inferential statistics on the other hand includes the Pearson movement correlation coefficient which was used to determine whether there is a significant relationship and multiple linear regression that enabled the research to determine the effect of independent variable (credit management) on the dependent variable (profitability). In the model, Return on Asset (ROA) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) were used as the profitability indicators. The findings revealed that debtors’ turnover and credit policy had no significant effect on any of the profitability measure used in the study at 5% level of significance. In addition, the findings revealed that liquidity management had significant effect on return on asset. However, liquidity management does not have significant inference on net profit margin. Similarly, firm size had no significant effect on return on asset, but had a significant effect on net profit margin at 5% level of significance. It was concluded that credit management is a powerful tool for achieving a high level of profitability in a firm and the positive effects of liquidity management and firm size on the profitability measures, means that these variables do matter for the credit management of the organization.
Financial information disclosure requirements and performance of selected firms in the listed food and beverage manufacturing companies in Nigeria
(2017) Taiwo, O. J.
BOWEN University Institutional Repository College of Social & Management Science Accounting Theses Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: ir.bowen.edu.ng:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/609 Title: Financial information disclosure requirements and performance of selected firms in the listed food and beverage manufacturing companies in Nigeria Authors: Taiwo, O. J. Keywords: Financial information disclosure Food and beverages Issue Date: 2017 Publisher: Bowen University, Iwo Citation: Taiwo, O. J. (2017). Financial information disclosure requirements and performance of selected firms in the listed food and beverage manufacturing companies in Nigeria. (Master's Thesis Bowen University, Iwo) Abstract: The study examined the relationship between financial information disclosure requirements and performance of selected firms in the listed food and beverage manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Other objectives include identification of main financial information disclosure requirements of the firms, determination of the extent to which food and beverage manufacturing companies comply with the disclosure requirements, also to determine the level of significance of the information disclosed in the financial statements for good decision making with a view to assessing the significant effect of relevant financial disclosure standards on financial performance of food and beverage manufacturing companies. Disclosure requirements were measured using disclosure index as proxies for the International Accounting Standards (IASs) utilized which were IAS 1 (presentation of financial statements), IAS 16 (property, plant and equipment), IAS 18 (revenue) and IAS 23 (borrowing cost) and financial performance was measured using Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) as proxy. The data were obtained from the annual reports of the companies. The relationship between the disclosure requirements and financial performance of selected companies was examined through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and panel regression analysis. The application used in running the data was Stata 13.0. The results revealed that the main financial information disclosure requirements of the firms under consideration were incorporated into IAS 1, IAS 16, IAS 18 and IAS 23. It was also found out that the food and beverage manufacturing companies complied with the disclosure requirements up to an extent of 67.02%. With further test using Hausman test, the study found out that random effect was more appropriate for the empirical discussions. The random effect result showed that IAS 1, IAS 16, IAS 18 and IAS 23 were all positively related to ROCE having the coefficient of 1.7171, 0.2632, 0.5297 and 0.0869 respectively. Therefore, the explanatory variables do have significant effect on ROCE and they influence the decisions of the users of financial statements. The study concluded that the financial information disclosure requirements especially those of the explanatory variables (IAS 1, 16, 18 and 23) considered in this study have a positive impact in driving the financial performance of companies in the food and beverage manufacturing sector of Nigeria.
Feasibility of commencing the international public sector accounting standards in Oyo State, Nigeria
(2014) Oyewobi, I. A.
In the current global revolution in government accounting, International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) are proposed for adoption by governments around the world. Nigeria adopted IPSAS in 2010 and initially implementation was to commence in 2014. The study assessed the feasibility of commencing IPSAS in Oyo State. In achieving this aim the study found out the degree of awareness of IPSAS, workshops organized on IPSAS and prospects for accelerating commencement of IPSAS in the MDAs in Oyo State. Three research questions were drawn for the study. Samples of the study were selected from ministry (1), department (1) and agencies (4) in Oyo State. In all, a total of 45 subjects were selected for the study. A questionnaire on feasibility of commencing IPSAS in Oyo State was developed for the study. Six hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. Data collected were analysed using simple percentages, Pearson correlation, regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA). It was revealed that there is a positive relationship between the feasibility of commencing implementation of IPSAS and the degree of awareness of IPSAS at (r = 0.532; p<0.05), there is a weak positive relationship between the feasibility of commencing implementation of IPSAS and prospect for accelerating commencement of IPSAS at (r = 0.386; p<0.05) and there is a very weak positive relationship between the feasibility of commencing implementation of IPSAS and workshop, seminar and conference organized on IPSAS at (r = 0.154; p>0.05. The study also showed that there is a significant joint effect of each variable of the study (degree of awareness, prospect for accelerating commencement and workshop, seminar and conference organised) on feasibility of commencing implementation of IPSAS at (0.05 alpha level F (3,41) = 5,888, P<0.05). Overall, the study revealed that it is not certain that IPSAS will commence in the next one year or two years to come. In essence, the government should adequately support the MDAs in the areas of capacity building and provide necessary material in order to fast track the implementation of IPSAS in Oyo State.
Risk management and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria
(2016) Akinsola, T. O.
BOWEN logo BOWEN University Institutional Repository College of Social & Management Science Accounting Theses Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: ir.bowen.edu.ng:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/620 Title: Risk management and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria Authors: Akinsola, T. O. Keywords: Risk management Deposit money banks Issue Date: 2016 Publisher: Bowen University, Iwo Citation: Akinsola, T.O. (2016). Risk management and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. (Master's Thesis, Bowen University, Iwo) Abstract: This research ascertains the significance in the relationship between risk management and performance of deposit money banks. Perception on the importance of various risks affecting the performance of deposit money banks was considered. Impact of risk management was examined on both the financial and non-financial performance of the deposit money banks in Nigeria. Furthermore, futuristic consideration in making strategic decisions that lead to risk events in Nigerian deposit money banks was also examined. The study employed the use of primary and secondary sources of data collection. Primary data was sourced through a structured questionnaire administered to staff in the risk management department of ten (10) sampled banks; and also secondary data from the annual reports of the sampled deposit money banks from 2010 – 2015. Risk ratios (Credit Risk Ratio, Liquidity Risk Ratio, and Market Risk Ratio) and financial performance ratios (Return on Equity and Return on Assets) were computed from the annual reports. Regression analysis and Pearson correlation were used to test the hypotheses of the study. It was found out that none of the risks that affect the performance of deposit money banks was less important than the other. Hence, all risks are very important to the performance of deposit money banks. It was also observed that risk management has a significant impact on Return on Assets with a Prob (F-statistic) of 0.009718. However, the Return on Equity was insignificant with a Prob (F-statistic) of 0.068951. Also, risk management had a 41% positive relationship with non-financial performance of banks from the correlation performed. In the same vein, it was revealed that Nigerian deposit money banks have a futuristic view of the risks events that can likely occur in different scenarios and plan towards its management.
Credit risk management and profitability of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria
(2019) Ajayi, O. E.
The study examined how credit risk management affect the profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria and specifically how capital adequacy ratio affects profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs). It also, examined the relationship that exist between non- performing loan ratio, loan loss reserve to non-performing loan on profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study further assessed if total deposit to total loan, loan loss reserve to gross loan equally affects the performance of these banks in Nigeria. It finally, ascertained the influence of banks size on the profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The study made use of secondary data which were obtained from the audited financ ia l statements of the banks and Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) fact book from year 2006-2016. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. A sample size of 15 banks was selected out of the 25 deposit money banks listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The descriptive statistics used were mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values while the inferential statistics used were correlation and regression analysis. Diagnostic tests were also carried out on the data to ensure consistenc y, validity, reliability. These tests included heteroskedacity test and multicollinearity test. The result revealed that all variables were stationary using panel unit root test. The result of the regression model showed that R-square was 0.62 which implies that about 62% of the variation in Return on asset (ROA) were explained by the independent variables while the remaining 38% variation may be as a result of other variables not captured in the model. Capital adequacy ratio with a p-value of 0.212 does not have significant effect on the profitability of Deposit Money Banks(DMBs), relationship exist between Non-Performing Loan Ratio (NPLR) and Return on asset (ROA) of Deposit Money Banks(DMBs) in Nigeria with a p-value of 0.000 which is significant at 5% level of significance, there is no significa nt relationship between Loan loss reserve to non-performing loan Ratio (LLRNPLR) and the Return on asset (ROA) of Deposit Money Banks(DMBs) in Nigeria with a p-value of 0.871 which is not significant at 5% level of significance, Total deposit to total loan ratio (TDTLR) have significant effect on the Return on asset (ROA) of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria with a p-value of 0.038 which is statistically significant at 5% level of significa nce, Loan loss reserve to Gross loan (LLRGLR) have significant effect on the Return on asset (ROA) of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria with a p-value of 0.010 which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance,Banks size have significant effect on the Return on asset (ROA) of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria with a p-value of 0.002 which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance The study concluded that credit risk management significantly affects the profitability of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria.