About Nerd

The NERD Project is a codename for the EVIS digitalization programme leading to a historical repository in Nigeria and Africa backed by an electronic system for the Management and Administration of Theses (eSMAT), Dissertation, Project reports, Term Papers, and other academic manuscripts – going forward - with mandatory originality checks. NARD is an acronym for National Academic Registry and Databank which is embedded within the NERD project whilst NERD is an acronym for the National Education Repository and Digitalbank.

Institutions, lecturers, students, groups or individuals are free to deposit copies of their works on NERD at no cost. Such works can include a project report, dissertation, thesis, seminar papers, term papers, author’s copy of published journal articles, essays, futile hypotheses et cetera. Researchers can also subject their articles to peer review using the inbuilt NARD Publication Interface.

The NERD project framework and the ancillary systems of eSMAT, NARD, 2NR, and NCMVS are protected by Copyright and Trademark Laws. NERD is built on and is fully indexed and compatible with Fez Fedora, DSpace, EPrints and Dublin Core peerage standard of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set – and other similar globally acceptable standards and indexing frameworks.

The project received the endorsements of the National Universities Commission (NUC) in 2014, the Nigerian Research and Education Network (NGReN) in 2014, and the Federal Ministry of Education in 2015.

Ownership of manuscripts
Individual authors of works and the respective tertiary institution continue to own their works. Deposit of works on NERD does not transfer ownership of that work to NERD or EVIS. The role of NERD is that of a Giant Shoulder platform or a Public Virtual Warehouse or a National Digital Bank for the perversive and perpetual preservation of knowledge for the next generation.

For further clarification on matters relating to the NERD project, please contact info@nerd.ethesis.ng and leverage the opportunity to become part of the NERD System.