Overview of the Nigerian thesis and dissertation annual contest

The Nigerian thesis and dissertation annual contests

  • Prof. Ayodele Awojobi Prize
  • Best 10 thesis
  • Prof. Dora Nkem Akunyili OFR Prize
  • Best 5 project reports by female graduating students
  • Prof. Abubakar S. Sambo Prize
  • Best 5 dissertation
  • The Prof. Julius Okojie Prize
  • Best 5 project reports
  • Prof. Idris O. O. Amali Prize
  • Best 5 project reports
  • Aare Afe Babalola  CON Prize
  • Best 5 academic reports
  • Dr. Ameyo Stella Adadevoh Female Amazon Prize
  • Best 5 female dissertations

Bi-Annual 100 Best Term Papers, Short Reports and Seminar Papers

  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Art
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Science and Technology
  • Agriculture
  • Architecture
  • Literature
  • Language
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Administration
  • Religious studies

Annual 100 Best Final Year Reports

  • HND
  • NCCE
  • ND
  • Students’ final reports from other government-approved terminal certificates.

Overview of the Nigerian thesis and dissertation annual contest

The Nigerian thesis and dissertation contest is a bi-annual academic reporting prize for the best thesis, dissertation, project reports, term papers, seminar papers, journal articles et cetera produced by bonafide students and lecturers in Nigerian tertiary institutions nationwide.

Branches of Tertiary Education that can Participate

The following tertiary education branches qualify for participation in the annual competitions:

  • Universities
  • Polytechnics
  • Colleges of Education
  • Other government-approved tertiary education and research centres whether private or government-owned.

Universities – Thesis and Dissertation, Project Reports, Seminar Papers, Term Papers etc. Polytechnics - Project Reports, Seminar Papers, Term Papers, etc. Colleges of Education - Project Reports, Seminar Papers, Term Papers, Teaching Practice Experience Reports, etc.


There are two competition diets in a calendar year - May and November Diets.


Submission is on a rolling basis. This means you can submit at any time throughout the year. Manuscripts received as of May each year will be considered under the May Diet and awarded in June whilst manuscripts received up to November will be considered under the November Diet and awarded in December of each year.

The overall goal is to encourage academics to showcase their works and psychologically prime themselves for positive competition.

How to participate

To enter your work for the contest, Log in to NERD if you already have a verified NERD credential and submit your work normally. Then shoot an email to contest@nerd.ethesis.ng with the permanent URL for your submission included in the email to enable NERD team of appraisers to assess and judge the work. For intending participants without a NERD credential, first, register to obtain a Login credential and follow the above steps. It is that simple.

All manuscripts submitted to NERD are expected to undergo mandatory anti-plagiarism checks to promote originality.

NB: The eminent names selected for the honours were chosen on merit from among names suggested to the Board of Education Virtual Infrastructure Services Limited, the owner and promoter of the NERD project. Respectable members of the public are invited to suggest names of other iconic individuals or create new prize endowments either as general prizes or as honours that are specific to certain disciplines.